Learn the three keys to being always connected to God, and receive daily guidance from the Holy Spirit so you can accomplish God’s purpose for your life.
My name is Zen Cryar DeBrucke and I have been having a loving relationship with God since I was born. He has always talked with me. Now, before you click away thinking that I am looney, give me just a moment to explain and share with you how to do it yourself. You too are supposed to be having the same experience as I am.
You see, I have heard God in my mind talking with me since the very beginning. In fact, I did not know that everyone did not have this conversation happening until I was 13 years old when a dear friend in 8th grade got herself into trouble and I asked her, “What is God saying you should do?”. It was then that she let me know she did not know what I was talking about and she had not ever had that experience happen. I could not understand why she did not hear God, so I began a journey to figure out what it was that made it happen for me but not for others.
First off, you may be wondering what talking with God looks like? For me, and many others who I have taught how to hear God, it is a thought inside your mind that is not your own thinking and has information that you simply would not think of. The conversations always make sense even though it is not something you would have thought of, and the guidance given always produces good fruit.
Over the years people have worried for me that this voice could lead me astray. What God said to me about this is, “Always judge everything by the fruit it produces. If the fruit is rotten, stop and look at what is happening to you and around you. If the fruit is ripe, multiply your efforts for you are doing good in the world.” The fruit from my listening to God has only been ripe!
You too can have a conversation with God every day, get actual guidance from the Holy Spirit about all aspects of your life and purpose, and live free of fear, anxiety, or worry.
I have spent years educating myself on why others are not hearing God and the reason is very simple. Our MIND keeps everyone so distracted and busy- So worried about possible problems in life that it is difficult to find His voice with the loudness of the noise inside our own head.
LISTEN TO THIS! You are a beloved person to God. He does not want you to do anything except have a relationship, a personal relationship, with Him. God is in you! You don’t need to go anywhere to find Him, once you know how to feel Him inside, you always have access.
These are three key things that connect you to God, or keep you away from Him, so you can have a personal relationship with Him.
Three Keys to a personal relationship with God and the Holy Spirit:
Key 1: God is in you, He lives in you. You are able to feel His presence in you anytime day or night. When you learn how to drop into yourself listening for God, you feel the presence and energy. Then you can begin to transform from listening to your mind to listening to God
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16
Key 2: The Holy Spirit, the helper and Spirit of truth is inside of you, giving you guidance every moment of every day. It has been since you were born, giving you guidance on all aspects of your life. The issue is that you just don't know how to decode its guidance. The way to stay within God’s purpose and plan for your life is to discover the Holy Spirit’s ability to guide you and it is easier than you think.
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24
Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. John 14:17
Key 3: You are not to be afraid or have anxiety. In the bible it states 365 times to not be afraid, not to worry and not to have anxiety. Why? Because fear blocks you from hearing and feeling God. Fear is the opposite of faith and faith is what bonds you to God. Not a blind faith, but a knowing faith that you can feel and trust.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14-27
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Psalms 34:4-5
Are you ready to have your own daily personal relationship with God so you can live your divine purpose in life?
God has a plan for your life, He knows what will bring you joy. You have a unique and important contribution to make with your life. You can get on that path with confidence when the two of you start talking.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139: 13-14
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10
You are invited to join Heaven’s Compass Masterclass. A seven-week program that leads you step by step to living the Three Keys.
If you want to have a loving relationship with God but don’t feel like:
Are you feeling uncertain because your life is not perfect or there are sins you feel you need to fix first?
Let me ask you, do you need to get cleaned up to take a shower? No. You do not need to clean up your life to have a relationship with God. Your relationship with God naturally begins to clean up all the things that are causing you suffering and all the things you turn to because you are suffering begin to fall away.
Let me walk you through how to have a daily personal relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. One that is active and goes with you wherever you go. Let me give you the tools to talk with God and get answers. How to have a living prayer practice, as you move through your day so you are ready as a prayer warrior to make a difference in the world.
Once you understand the fundamentals of connection and relationship to God, you can never lose your connection. No matter how difficult life becomes.
Meet Your Teacher, Zen Cryar DeBrücke
Zen Cryar DeBrücke is the founder of Smart Soul Academy. She has worked with over 40,000 people, helping them align with their purpose and unlock lives of greater fulfillment and joy by showing them how to listen to their “inner compass.”
Her compassion radiates through her work, and her style is down-to-earth, practical, humorous and wise. Zen’s international best-selling book, “Your Inner GPS” is an easy-to-read how-to on the way to let this inner wisdom guide you to success. The Smart Soul Academy provides deeper teachings on mastering this art.
Zen is the founder of Smart Soul Academy, best-selling author, a breast cancer survivor, happy wife, and busy mom.
As this year was starting, I thought about what I especially wanted for this year, and it was to feel more consciously connected to God. Not 2 weeks later I got an email from Zen talking about her Inner Compass Masterclass which seemed like an absolutely perfect fit. If you want to learn how to receive communication from God, to literally feel his answers in your body, and to be led literally step by step in your life, by God (!), this is the place to be.
It’s mind boggling, truly. For one who was agnostic earlier in my life and who has grown in spirituality through the years, to reach this point where I can feel a literal communication with God, this is truly huge for me. I have felt that my life seemed to flow quite well most of the time, but didn’t have that conscious communication that I wanted, but now I do have it. And I’m continuing to learn how to understand it in a clearer way. Yes indeed, this class was a perfect fit.
Alice Dobbs
Farmer, Entrepreneur
Tune Into “Divine Guidance / The Holy Spirit”
In Just The First Week
This program consists of seven modules of prerecorded video lessons that will take you by the hand to help you connect to God, feel the Holy Spirit leading you in your life so you can know God's will and purpose for your life.
Once you join the program, you’re free to go through it at your own pace – you get to choose what works best for you and your schedule.
You’ll start with the basics of feeling the Holy Spirit and allowing it to guide you on your own unique perfect path getting direction from God directly. Each lesson builds on top of the previous one, creating a powerful compounding effect that transforms your life within a few short weeks.
This is what you’ll learn inside:
Connect: To God Within You
Discover the missing piece of our understanding of spiritual connection… the “heaven's compass” you were born with. Start relating to this divine part of yourself – tune into Divine guidance and find out what to do, and when to do things. Realize that you’re not alone and that you actually do have a way to get the answers you need from God Himself.
Ownership: Discover Your God Given Identity
Understand how to drop into the presence of God within in a moment. How to follow the FLOW of energy of the Holy Spirit as you move through your day. Use the combination of both as a compass to shift your mindset and your body into feeling centered, calm, and knowing. Learn the quick way to master staying in God's will for your life and generate confidence, happiness, and success.
Notice: What's In The Way of Receiving Guidance
Get rid of fear based thinking which is the #1 issue that stops you from being able to stay focused on God and your unique purpose in life. In this module you will cleanse the world’s thinking about you and your purpose, instead finding your way back to how and what God created you to be. The old stress, worry and fear’s are eliminated and new faith, comfort and kingdom mindset are instilled.
Navigate: How To Follow Gods Plan For Your Life
Transform your thinking into a powerful asset to create the reality God intended in your life. Begin to build into your daily routine moments where you get back on track and can feel for yourself that you are in alignment and producing beautiful fruit with your life. Experience your relationship with others and yourself moving towards harmony and healthy interactions.
Experience: How To Live Your Life In FLOW
Learn the simple way you can connect directly with Divine wisdom by tapping into the internal state of FLOW – an action state that is created by the present moment. By using the Heaven's Compass to find openings and waiting for God to move you, miracles become the normal experience.
Courage: How To Have Faith & Trust God
Develop the ability to trust yourself, the Divine Guidance, and God’s beautiful plan for your life. You will know how to manage doubt and struggles when you are following the guidance you are receiving as it brings you into living your daily life within the greatness in the world. God will always call you to a greater purpose than what you could ever dream of and it takes courage and community to have the belief in yourself. In this module you will learn how to step into God's beautiful vision of your greatness.
Transform: How To Use FLOW To Transform The World
Discover how you fit into the Divine Plan and what your purpose in life is. Feel empowered to make a real difference in the world and use FLOW to be guided to the exact situation and places where you need to be, moment to moment.
Community Mastermind Sessions
Share your insights and gain insights from others in these small group mastermind sessions. This allows you to connect with others in the training and discuss your transformation. These sessions are always a community favorite, you will not want to miss it.
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Recorded Zoom Q&A Sessions
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Listen in as Zen gives guidance on the most common questions asked for each module. Easy access so you can refer to them time and time again.
At the program conclusion you will know:
When you harness the life-changing experience of talking with God, you will…
This is NOT about religion. This is just you, God, and the questions you have, the guidance you need and the ability to lay down the burdens you may have.
When I first heard Zen was teaching how to have a deeper connection to God, I was intrigued. For my entire life I have been on a spiritual journey to do just that.
I met Zen about 15 years ago so I knew she was honest and her mission in life was to always bring truth to others. I knew I could trust her so I jumped into her new program. What I learned completely changed the way I think about so many common everyday things we go through that hold us back from actually connecting in the way we were created to.
My connection with God and his guidance in my life are now more tangible and real then I would have thought possible. I would definitely recommend this program for anyone
who is truly seeking for divine guidance and connection in their life.
Will Hibpshman
Business Development Consultant
I experienced dropping into my listening and then being filled with Light and being at one, with God, with God in me and me in God.
The online meetings were validating. I found out that I’m not the only one having this experience. The breakout rooms and the sharing and helping each other was very helpful. There’s also a certain sense that it’s a process and absorbing the experience itself takes its own time. Sometimes it was hard to just keep forging ahead.
Here’s a miracle with God that happened yesterday. I was in route to my treatment sitting in an Uber. It was a beautiful morning, sunny, bright, with blue skies and green trees. I used the time to drop into my listening and connect with God. And God gave me a message: “Your job today is to Receive. Not to give, not to send but to Receive – receive my love and the love your friends are sending to you. Allow yourself to receive.” It was HUGE.
Dana Ben-Yeduda
Alexander Technique Teacher
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Zen Cryar DeBrucke® - All Rights Reserved - 2025